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Friday, October 16, 2015

favorite finds: Plant Nanny

A few months ago, I heard about Plant Nanny on the radio.  Someone had called in to tell about this amazing app, and I was immediately intrigued.  Who wouldn't be?  An app that tracks your water intake but makes you responsible for keeping a virtual plant alive?  How fun!  (And honestly, it reminded me of the Tamogatchi and GigaPets I had as a kid!)

iPhone Screenshot 2

What exactly is Plant Nanny?  The iTunes store blurb describes it as this: "Plant Nanny combines health with fun to remind you to drink water regularly.  The cute plant keeps you company every day by living in your phone.  In order to keep it alive and help it grow, you must give it water at certain periods of time."

What are some of the benefits of it?  You keep track of your daily water intake, which is tailored to you, and  you actually feel responsible to drink enough water in order to keep your plant alive.

What is your favorite part of Plant Nanny?  For starters, IT'S FREE! (You can get it for Apple or Android.)  Second, you pick the plant you want.  There are some plants that take certain amounts of seeds to "buy" in order for you to plant, but there are some that don't "cost" anything!  (Like the cute dandelion above!)  Last, you get to pick the number of ounces you drink at a time.  You are not always confined to drinking 16.9 oz of water at a time.  If you drink 8 oz, than you can pick an 8 oz cup to "fill."  It's extremely convenient.

Any downfalls?  For me, I sometimes get to busy to remember to water my plant, and sometimes, I get to busy to even drink water.  The app does provide reminders every few hours if you want them.  

Rating: 4.5/5 stars.

I really love this app.  It keeps me accountable for the water I drink (or don't drink).  Now go and download this app!  For real!

Happy Friday!

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